Southwest Sailing: More than sailing lessons. BECOME a Sailor! Your way!
Q: How does one "become" a sailor? A: One tack at a time.
Whether you are a new sailor just learning the ropes, or an experienced sailor ready to build greater confidence and competency, SWSailing can help you achieve your goals, your way.
Our customized and flexible instruction approach combined with internationally recognized sailing certification partners allow you to build your skills in a way that fits you and your goals..

Southwest Sailing: More than sailing lessons. BECOME a Sailor! Your way!
Q: How does one "become" a sailor? A: One tack at a time.
Whether you are a new sailor just learning the ropes, or an experienced sailor ready to build greater confidence and competency, SWSailing can help you achieve your goals, your way.
Our customized and flexible instruction approach combined with internationally recognized sailing certification partners allow you to build your skills in a way that fits you and your goals..

International Certifications with Southwest Sailing

International Sailing Licenses (SLC, IPC):
If you are planning to Bare Boat charter in the Mediterranean, Croatia, etc. you will need an EU recognized certificate of competency.
SW Sailing is authorized to provide practical evaluations for you to earn these certifications.
Checkout the SWsailing Certification Challenge. Get your certs in as few as TWO DAYS!