Southwest Sailing: More than sailing lessons. BECOME a Sailor! Your way!
Q: How does one "become" a sailor? A: One tack at a time.
Whether you are a new sailor just learning the ropes, or an experienced sailor ready to build greater confidence and competency, SWSailing can help you achieve your goals, your way.
Our customized and flexible instruction approach combined with internationally recognized sailing certification partners allow you to build your skills in a way that fits you and your goals..

Southwest Sailing: More than sailing lessons. BECOME a Sailor! Your way!
Q: How does one "become" a sailor? A: One tack at a time.
Whether you are a new sailor just learning the ropes, or an experienced sailor ready to build greater confidence and competency, SWSailing can help you achieve your goals, your way.
Our customized and flexible instruction approach combined with internationally recognized sailing certification partners allow you to build your skills in a way that fits you and your goals..

Southwest Sailing - Certification Vacation

Earn your NauticEd or ASA Certifiations AND enjoy a Bare Boat sailing adventure.
Cruise the So-Cal Coast to coastal cruising favorites, Long Beach, Marina Del Rey, Newport Beach and don't forget...Catalina Island.
OR...breakaway from the normal on adventures to the San Juan Islands in WA or the Caribbean.
CONTACT US to plan your CERTIFICATION VACATION in California, San Juan Islands, WA., the Caribbean Islands, or...?