Southwest Sailing: More than sailing lessons. BECOME a Sailor! Your way!
Q: How does one "become" a sailor? A: One tack at a time.
Whether you are a new sailor just learning the ropes, or an experienced sailor ready to build greater confidence and competency, SWSailing can help you achieve your goals, your way.
Our customized and flexible instruction approach combined with internationally recognized sailing certification partners allow you to build your skills in a way that fits you and your goals..

Southwest Sailing: More than sailing lessons. BECOME a Sailor! Your way!
Q: How does one "become" a sailor? A: One tack at a time.
Whether you are a new sailor just learning the ropes, or an experienced sailor ready to build greater confidence and competency, SWSailing can help you achieve your goals, your way.
Our customized and flexible instruction approach combined with internationally recognized sailing certification partners allow you to build your skills in a way that fits you and your goals..

Southwest Sailing - BVI Guidanceto USCG Captain
Here are the critical sites we monitored last Oct-Nov 2021 for 11/28/2021 arrival in BVI.
It's volatile. So monitor regularly. Changes continued to occur even during our trip.
We needed normal travel passport documents + proof of covid vaccination + pre-travel testing as required by USVI and BVI + "Health Insurance."
COVID TESTING: The pre-travel testing requirements continue to evolve and even changed during our trip. We used these Navica kits and web-call "online curated testing" to test on the boat the day before returning to USVI/USA.
TRAVEL HEALTH INSURANCE: The BVI protocols site has the requirements, minimum coverage, including "medical repatriation" and "quarantine accommodation costs" coverage requirements. Check your healthcare policy. We had some international coverages with our BCBS plan but just in case purchased a policy through WorldTrips.com for about $40 each.
BoatyBall is super valuable for advance mooring reservations, in the anchorages where they have them. For Saba Rock they were all reserved in 30 seconds the day we planned to go there (next to BEYC). So set an alarm and be quick on the key-pad.
BVIalive Facebook: lots of good info floating around on this group: