Southwest Sailing: More than sailing lessons. BECOME a Sailor! Your way!
Q: How does one "become" a sailor? A: One tack at a time.
Whether you are a new sailor just learning the ropes, or an experienced sailor ready to build greater confidence and competency, SWSailing can help you achieve your goals, your way.
Our customized and flexible instruction approach combined with internationally recognized sailing certification partners allow you to build your skills in a way that fits you and your goals..

Southwest Sailing: More than sailing lessons. BECOME a Sailor! Your way!
Q: How does one "become" a sailor? A: One tack at a time.
Whether you are a new sailor just learning the ropes, or an experienced sailor ready to build greater confidence and competency, SWSailing can help you achieve your goals, your way.
Our customized and flexible instruction approach combined with internationally recognized sailing certification partners allow you to build your skills in a way that fits you and your goals..

Southwest Sailing - ASA Certifications

ASA Certifications provided thru ASA School partners.
Schedule your class with SWsailing or Sailboat Shop.
Courses available at Lake Pleasant, So. Cal. and "Vacation" locations on request.
* Overnight class prices are per person / double-occupancy,
and may vary for CA and Vacation locations.

Private Sailing Lessons - customized for you
$100+ per hr. 3 hr. minimum. 2 Students max. Start with the basics OR build on your experience to the reach your next level, on your schedule, where and when you need the class, aboard boats 18'-45' including catamarans. Sailing Lessons Your Way!

ASA101 - Keelboat I
​2 DAYS - No experience required. Learn sailing terms, parts of the boat, points of sail, right of way, reading the wind, sail trim, basic knots and maneuvering under power aboard a 25-30 ft sloop. Lake Pleasant only (unless with Certification Vacation).

ASA102 - Keelboat II
​2 DAYS - Designed for sailors who want to enhance their fundamental sailing skills, improve boat handling, sail controls and sail trim, maneuvering in close quarters, and working effectively as a crew to optimize the boat's performance on the water.
Lake Pleasant only (unless with Certification Vacation).

ASA103 - Basic Coastal Cruising
2 DAYS. Learn sailing skills for cruising 25-35' sailboats, USCG requirements, navigation lights, communications at sea, man overboard tactics, basics of nautical charts, auxiliary engine operations, anchoring, mooring, reefing and more. ASA101 required. Only offered in "coastal" locations, i.e. So-Cal and on Certification Vacations.

ASA104 - Bare Boat Cruising
2 DAYS. Learn bareboat chartering skills for 30' to 45' boats on multi-day voyages on inland or coastal waters. Provisioning, galley operations, boat systems, basic diesel maintenance, basic coastal navigation including and GPS operations. ASA103 required. Not available in AZ. Only offered in SO-CAL and in Certification Vacation locations.

ASA103/104 - 3 Day Combined Course
3 DAYS. Earn both your ASA103 and ASA104 (see course info above) sailing to Catalina Island or other SO-CAL locations. If you have solid sailing skills and are ready to validate your competency and build your confidence this combo-course is for you. ASA101 required (or may be "challenged" for $250). 10+ sailing days preparation recommended. Only offered in SO-CAL and Certification Vacation locations.

International Proficiency Certificate - IPC
The ASA International Proficiency Certificate (IPC) or similar certification is mandatory for chartering in most European / Mediterranean waters. PREREQUISITE: ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising. ASA IPC also includes VHF Radio Operator Endorsement.

ASA106 - Advanced Coastal Cruising
3+ DAYS. Learn to skipper and navigate sailing vessels up to 50' in coastal and island waters, in ANY CONDITIONS, DAY or NIGHT. Includes sail theory, steering forces, advanced sail control, weather prediction using clouds and instruments, heavy weather preparation, safety, and seamanship. ASA104 & 105 required.
Only offered in Southern California and in Certification Vacation locations.

ASA114 - Catamaran Cruising
1-2 DAYS. Learn to apply Bareboat Cruising skills on 36-50', dual auxilliary-powered Catamaran sailboats. Learn to safely skipper cruising catamarans on multi-day bare boat voyages on inland or coastal waters in winds up to 30kts. ASA104 required.
Only offered in Southern California and in Certification Vacation locations.

ASA111 - Sailing Confidence Builder
1 DAY. The ASA 111 Sailing Review will improve and refresh your sailing skills and knowledge based on your goals, including a written personalized recommended action plan after the session. ASA111 may be taken multiple times and becomes a permanent addition to your ASA student record. Lake classes $350. Ocean classes $775.

ASA118 - Docking & Maneuvering
1 DAY. The ASA 118 Docking & Maneuvering class will build your knowledge and skills to safely and competently dock and maneuver a sailboat under auxiliary power (inboard and outboard engines) in a variety of conditions. Including steering and propulsion theory, wind and current, single and double-rudder monohulls, catamarans, safety, fixed and floating docks. Mmay be obtained on a monohull or a catamaran.

Certification Challenge (ASA101 thru 114)
3+ DAYS. Only for VERY experienced sailors ready to get the certs you need NOW! Here's how. 3+ intensive days including required ASA written tests and practical demonstration of all ASA required knowledge and skills for ASA101, 103, 104 and International IPC. Only offered in SO-CAL and in Certification Vacation locations.